Endometriosis and The Nervous System
Copied over from Endometriosis Notes.
Endometriosis-related complications still represent a challenge in clinical practice mind. Severe pain is associated with endometriosis at a high rate and caused by an interaction of factors such as mechanical interactions, inflammation, immune system and nerve fibers. The connection of these nerve fibers to the central nervous system (CNS) has been shown to create a permanent stimulus which may persist even after the removal of the endometrial lesion. Since pharmacological treatment addressing the physical pathways of pain seem not to control efficiently enough this complication, several researches try to improve women's QoL by addressing the psychological side of pain. — Source: https://irispublishers.com/wjgwh/fulltext/therapeutic-role-of-dance-in-the-treatment-of-endometriosis-related-chronic-pelvic-pain-a-proof-of-concept-study.ID.000507.php#Conclusion
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