Operant Conditioning Theory

(Conditionnement opérant ou instrumental en français, mais également appelé apprentissage skinnerien ou conditionnement de type II.)

Un individu (human ou animal) apprend à associer un comportement spécifique à un stimulus positif ou négatif, ce qui influence la probabilité que le comportement se reproduise ou se réduise à l'avenir. (Source: Wikipédia)


  • a consequence that makes it more probable that the behaviour will be replicated
  • positive reinforcement: when the behaviour is self-reinforcing or a rewarding stimulus is added (this is usually simply called reinforcement)
  • negative reinforcement (a.k.a escape): when the behaviour is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus (for example, chewing or even a bite that soothes frustration)
  • a consequence that decreases the probability of that behaviour being replicated
  • positive punishment: when a behaviour is followed by a punishment (aversive stimulus) — because this term is considered confusing (the positive meaning "adding" in this case), it is usually called punishment
  • negative punishment (aka penalty): when a behaviour is followed by the removal of a stimulus (for example, confiscation of a toy)