created: 2023-12-28T19:36
updated: 2024-04-20T13:57
Also, see Webrings (and blogrolls) and Reading Lists, as well as my own The Hypertext Library/index of hypertexts and Links shared through the blog.
Cyberfeminism Index is INCOMPLETE and ALWAYS IN PROGRESS. (...) The majority of references I received and read drew from a Western context. This may have been due to the limits of English, but it may also have been the relatively late adoption of the internet and varying forms of feminism outside the West. It may have also been the difference in terminology and search queries, as many included here do not self-identify as cyberfeminist. The voids in this index should not suggest that non-Western cyberfeminism does not exist. They merely reveal the inherent constraints of my Western vantage.
A single-page HTML file, over 100 000 lines long, indexing a collection of at least 800 texts and images, with notes and quotes, on cyberfeminism.
Thank you to the WaybackMachine for the archive:
No longer maintained as of 2023, this index of ressources was put together by Florence Ashley in collaboration with G. Nic Rider.